Psychology or Religion: Philosophy Behind Prison Bars

In dealing with the issues of psychology and equating it with religion, I would argue that both go against and openly defy our natural behaviour and instincts.

I doubt that these areas of travesties of human understanding and rationalism would really like to see me in their 'God-like state'.

Oh no? They would rather see me reflected in a mirror image of their own inadequacies, poor them.

Without the drive force of truth which instigates a fulfilling conclusion, then the truth of my own opinions, observations and conclusions are relegated to the waste bin,

Yet I attempt to interpret the world around me in a crystal clear way, the conclusions being the product of my own life experience and truths, but my honesty has no validity for the psychologist or religious freak, who seek to interpret their truths based un dubious theories and irrationalisims.

By going along with the mind benders - prison psychologists and probation officers I find myself in a Catch 22 situation placing the proverbial noose around my own neck.

I maintain the strength to carry on as long as my personal honour and truths don't end up drowned out of a sea of existence in a sea of liberal 'cry baby' spew, maintaining my integrity is paramount.

It is only that individual who has lost belief in himself, his own pride of goodness, his own pride of being and his own honour who is dangerous.

Because after that, it doesn't matter what he does to anyone, including himself.

I have been labelled as 'manipulative* why am I too sincere, too honest?

is it it because I am considered to he intelligent and rational and therefore able to see right through the new religion called psychology and challenge it?

Is it because I am honest enough to present myself in my own personal truths, which throw the mindbenders into a panic requiring a solution? A label.

But aren't the real manipulators the very people whom seek to bring about changes in other people's personalities'?

Those who attempt to restructure people's minds and the way in which they perceive t!ic world which brings resistance to the brain washing and the games employed' by the Messiahs.

This creates confusion for the masters, for I now represent a threat, a danger, not to the public as they would argue but to those who fail to re-programme my mind which represents a failure on their part, invoking doubts about their pompous assessments, their expertise all of course based on s self assumption of having superior abilities to mine.

In asking how can I '"address" the risk factor of being manipulative I am told that there is no programme or course that has yet been devised, is it then like AIDS T wondered?

Imagine the dilemma facing prison psychologists in their dealings with me.

"How do we contain this disaster? "

"Wait, I have. the answer" cries one, "we him as manipulative."

"But wait a minute aren't we the manipulators? "

"Oh I never thought of that said the most intelligent member of the group" a psychologist with a meaningless string of dubious Letters after his name.

"It doesn't matter, remember he's a convicted murderer, he has to pay the price and we are part of that price, his never ending nightmare, we label him as we think fit."

The things we murder such as free will, individuality-, self-assertion and inherent truths these people do with the full blessing of the Prison Service bosses, it is government sanctioned, it was valid in Stalin's Russia where those who did not like the 'glorious' Soviet system were subject to detention In psychiatric hospitals where they underwent coerced therapy another term for involuntary treatment or as we know it to be brainwashing.

We in the West were sympathetic, we called such resistors dissidents, but now we have our own to practice on and it's completely legal."

"Let us be thankful that the death penalty was abolished, otherwise instead of sitting around devising schemes to mess up somebody's life in order to justify our jobs, we would be standing in the dole queue" argued the dimmest of the group but the only one to make sense.

"I’ll tell you what" said another, "it might be a lot easier than dealing with this bastard."

I am therefore their insoluble problem, perhaps their worst nightmare and in so being, am labelled accordingly.

Charles Hanson, HMP Kingston, November 2001